Sunday, April 14, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox Complete

So yesterday was my last day of the Sugar Detox.  Day 21. So how did it go....

Over the past 21 Days this is what I can report:  5 lbs weight loss, better looking skin, I feel better, and  according to my husband "I'm looking jacked" (this is good...)

Let me talk about each of these

1.  Weight Loss - I did not go into this challenge thinking I would lose weight.  I have completed the Whole 30 and other nutritional challenges and have never lost more than a pound, so my hopes of losing anything were dim. Yesterday, Day 21, when I got on the scale and saw the 5-pound loss, I did a little happy dance in my head.

2.  Oh your is the first thing everyone sees.  When I first switched to a more Plaeo/Clean type eating regime last year, I noticed immediately that I stopped breaking out as often.  So I knew that there was definitely something in that processed food I had been eating causing me to have teenage breakout problems.  After 21 days of basically no dairy, grains (except rice), and anything that had more than like 3 ingredients, my skin looks good.  Smoother, less breakouts, brighter....I can go without my trusty Bare Minerals and be totally okay with it

3.  I feel better - What more can I say there...I don't feel bloated, constantly hungry, unsatisfied....I am not having energy fluxes that were very common before - Overall, I feel fantastic!!

4.  Looking jacked - My workouts never suffered during this detox.  If anything, I think they got better.  My muscles are more defined.  My shoulder, traps, and quads have just a little more definition than they did before.  Which this is probably attributed to number 1.

I don't think I am going to go back to my old way of eating.  I feel too good!  My kids have started to make healthier food choices (most of the time, they are still kids) because of my example.  We try to emphasize health and the benefits of good food.

Here is a picture recap - It was a very busy three weeks.

Hannigan's 5K race with my 11 year old, March 23, 2013.
Finishing Time: 27:19

Freak Snow Day on March 25, 2013

Crossfit Open Workout 13.4


 Crossfit Open workout 13.5

 Olympic Lifting Clinic with Holley Mangold

Monday, March 25, 2013

21 Day Sugar Detox - Day 1 recap

Yesterday, March 24 was Day 1 of the 21 Day Sugar Detox that I have undertaken with a couple of friends.  It didn't go too bad.   

I have a bad habit of not eating on the weekends.  I always ensure the kids eat, but it seems as though they are bottomless pits, but myself...I rarely eat more than two meals on the weekend.  So you can imagine how yesterday went.  

Breakfast consisted of avocado and scrambled eggs for me...everyone else got bacon with their eggs, it is almost impossible to find bacon that doesn't have sugar added that is also reasonable cost.

After breakfast/brunch we went to Centerville Crossfit (CCF).  Really this is our home away from home.  We were just going to support our friends who were redoing 13.3.  I wanted to redo it, but my legs were so sore from Friday's attempt as well as the 5K I ran on Saturday with my 11-year old son, that I was willing to accept my score of 161 (better than last year) and look on to 13.4.  Well as fate would have it, that was not how it ended up.  Our friend was moved to a heat by himself, and so he didn't have to do the workout by himself, I decided to redo 13.3 too.....and I am happy I did.  Sets of 10 to 130 then sets of 5....I came of the wallballs a full minute faster than Friday.  The entire time, my thighs were screaming, protesting the repetitive squat action...All I could focus on was my pants...and knee socks. I was not dressed to workout....I was in workout clothes, but not the proper attire for this workout. I was hot!!  

Finished the wallballs and went to the double unders.  Double unders are NOT my friend.  It doesn't seem to matter how much I practice, this is just a skill I can't seem to master.  JELLO legs and double unders are NOT fun!!  One...two...three....mess up...I was able to string together 10 at some point, I am not sure how that happened.  By the time "TIME" was yelled, I had jumped my way to 45 DUs.  WAY BETTER THAN FRIDAY!  195 reps, not an awesome score...but I was very happy with it, considering one year ago, after only doing crossfit for three months, my score was 155 reps.  That is improvement! 

This is a picture from Friday's 13.3

After our CCF fun, it was grocery store time.  I am so happy that I remembered to bring my list, else I would have failed the 21 DSD before I really even started.  My brain was mush!  I was so hungry!! Went home and started meal prep....we made lunches and parts of supper for the entire week, this will save A TON of time.  I finally sat down to eat my second meal at 7:30.  There was a lot of grumpiness in here...probably not because of the sugar detox, more because I was hungry and tired and trying to prepare food while simultaneously helping my son with a school project. 

Lesson learned here - EAT MORE FOOD!!!! 

Sorry for the lengthly post.  Yesterday was quite an eventful day!